Deadline Reminders for Portal Closure

What is the Deadline Reminders Feature?

The Deadline Reminders feature is a tool designed to automatically notify your suppliers about the upcoming closure of a portal. This ensures that all necessary submissions are made in time, avoiding any last-minute rush or missed deadlines.

Why Use Deadline Reminders?

Using Deadline Reminders can:

  • Prevent delays in submissions by providing timely notifications.
  • Reduce the need for manual follow-ups with suppliers.
  • Ensure a smooth and efficient closing process for your portals.

Reminder (alert) Options:

You have the ability to set up two types of reminders to alert your Suppliers:

  • Final Reminder Days: Specify the number of calendar days before the portal closure when the final reminder should be sent.
  • Penultimate Reminder Days: Specify the number of calendar days before the portal closure when the penultimate reminder should be sent.

Note: The specified timeframe includes weekends and bank holidays.

Utilising this feature

To utilise the Deadline Reminders feature, follow these steps:

For an existing project

  1. Navigate to the Supplier Response Home’ section by going through Project > Setup > Communication > Responses.
  2. Click on the green View button. This action will redirect you to the Response Summary page.
  3. Once there, click Edit to modify the reminder settings. You will be presented with two options:
    • Final Reminder Days: Set the number of days before the portal closure when the final reminder should be sent.
    • Penultimate Reminder Days: Set the number of days before the portal closure when the second-to-last reminder should be sent.
  4. Enter the desired number of calendar days, keeping in mind that weekends and holidays are counted.
  5. Select Save to apply the changes.

For a New Project:

  • When setting up a new Supplier interaction project, you’ll have the option to configure reminders. These fields can be left blank initially and filled in later by following the steps for an existing project.

Important Note:

  • If you do not wish to send a reminder, leave the reminder days fields blank.

How It Works

Reminders are scheduled to be sent just after midnight on the day preceding the set reminder day. For instance:

  • Final Reminder: If set for 1 day before closure (e.g., 24th March), it will be dispatched shortly after midnight on 23rd March.
  • Penultimate Reminder: If set for 7 days before closure (e.g., 24th March), it will be dispatched shortly after midnight on 17th March.

Reminder Notice (Template) example
Email Subject:   
Response deadline reminder for {portal_name}
Body of Text:
The deadline for submitting your final response for {portal_name} for project {project_name} is {Portal Closure date}. You can access your response at {link to portal}.

Hannah is the author of this solution article.

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