This guide provides a high-level overview of how to move the Jaggaer envelopes to the final evaluation state. This needs to be completed before the supplier responses can be imported from Jaggaer into AWARD®.
Individual customers' implementations of Jaggaer may vary from the screenshots given. If at all unclear it is recommended that you seek advice from the Jaggaer support team.
For an overview of the eSourcing integration between Jaggaer and AWARD® please click here.
Moving the Jaggaer Envelopes to the Final Evaluation state
1. From within the Jagger RFX at the allotted time click Start Evaluation
2. You should then have the option to click End X Evaluation. Where X is the envelope being opened i.e. Qualification, Technical or Commercial
3. Click Confirm to complete the action. We recommend that all bidders are accepted in Jaggaer so that you have a copy of all bidder's responses in AWARD. An excluded submission is simply ignored in the transfer between Jaggaer and AWARD so it is best to handle this in AWARD rather than Jaggaer in case they are re-accepted for any reason.
4. The system will then automatically take you around the same loop for each envelope (Qualification, Technical and Commercial) – once completed you will see the Jaggaer RFX shows as being in the final Evaluation State. You can now move over to AWARD to transfer the responses (Project Assist: step five)
Note: the initial pull of the Evidence Items into AWARD does not require the Jaggaer RFX to be in a particular state – it simply needs to exist. The Final Evaluation state is only required for the transfer of the responses. Similar to an AWARD portal you cannot view the supplier's responses until the Jaggaer RFX is in an appropriate state (after the bidder submission deadline).