Supplier Import Error when evidence items (one or more) have been deleted.
If evidence items have been deleted the Jaggaer import may fail.
To correct this you will need to reimport the evidence items from Jaggaer.
Recommended Steps to correct :
1. Take a copy of the project.
2. Make a note of the error message.
3. Make a note of the RFQ.
4. Delete the exiting evidence items.
5. Reimport the evidence items from Jaggaer.
6. Remap the evidence items (you will need the evidence_ item_map txt file from the export).
Your project should now be in a state to Import the supplier responses.
If you are unsure of any of the above steps - or have not taken this action before, we would urge you first to contact our friendly Support desk who may be able to assist you with these actions.
If in doubt - please ask!