- Lots are displayed in the order they are created - this cannot be changed.
- The Common Lot will contribute to the overall Lot score - the Lots are made up of a combination between the Lot-specific Questions and the Common Questions.
- On a typical project, there is a separate Technical and Commercial Document Group for each Lot, however, AWARD can be configured in alignment with each customer's requirements. The Document Group behaviours are the same for both Lot and non-Lot projects.
- If using Jaggaer to Import a Multi-Lot project, it is recommended that you configure the Jaggaer project as Multi-Lot RFX type. Each Lot's envelopes can then be imported into the corresponding Document Group(s) in AWARD. If you have configured your Lots within a single Jaggaer RFX it is recommended that you use the 'Use the Nearest Document Group' option. Please speak to the Customer Success Team for further guidance on using Jaggaer and AWARD.
- Additional Lots must be added via the Project Lots section.
- Adding Bidders to Lots is a manual process and will be required if you import or upload Supplier responses.
- AWARD will handle importing of multiple Jaggaer projects, or a single large Multi-Lot project directly. However, it is recommended that you use individual projects where possible.